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The Newsmag template is excellent for a news, newspaper, magazine, publishing or review site. It also supports videos from YouTube and features a rating system. It uses the best clean SEO practices, and on top of that, it’s fast, simple, and easy to use. In addition, News mag supports responsive Google Ads and AdSense.
Step 1: Go to activate theme
Step 2: click Activate theme manually
Step 3: copy first (ID or key ) and then paste below to sections
Watch this video how to install
all themes and plugins password = themeinbox
Please note:
some users have problem to activate newsmag 4.7 manually so just read carefully to activate it successfully.......lets start to activate newsmag 4.7 free.
download both files and then use latest version from first file and old version from second file to activate newspaper. I think you got it.
step 1.
upload second file to FTP but rename second file as newsmag 4.5 old then upload this is very important for you repeat it again for you rename as "newsmag" of newsmag 4.7 and and "newsmag 4.5 old" of newsmag 4.5
step 2
activate newsmag 4.5 old manually now and then activate newsmag 4.7 again
enjoy and don't forget to subscribe my channel
if you still confused then watch this newspaper 9 method 2 and then do all these steps with newsmag 4.7
First watch this video:
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